Gifting: Christening Edition

A good friend recently asked me to be a godmother to her little girl.  This is my second godchild and I thought I would share some ideas for Christening Gifts.
I was lucky that my godparents gave me sentimental gifts like an add-a-pearl necklace and some silver pieces as Christening Gifts, but this is not something that everyone appreciates.  I have included a mix of sentimental gifts and other items that people might enjoy.
Christening Gifts

Pearl jewelry

Baby Teething Rings

Christening Gifts

The book with a cross on it is the Book of Common Prayer 1979 edition that is used in the services of the Episcopal Church.  I got three copies when I was christened as a child.  In the Catholic Church, you could substitute for the missal.  I think this is a very thoughtful gift that hopefully will be utilized for years to come.
I am still not completely decided what I will give to this godchild.  I have to make up my mind by this weekend, since the christening is less than a month away.