So much to be thankful for….


I am writing this as I am frantically running around trying to get everything together for me to hop on a plane and “jump across the pond.” This December has been jam packed with fellowship with friends and family. I am lucky to have such wonderful friends and family that love and support me. LML is being one of those key supporters since he is sending me off soon for Christmas and New Years apart from him. While I won’t kid you and say that this is an ideal situation, but we both decided that me attending my godson’s christening was important.

I have become more aware of the season this year, perhaps since so many of my friends are starting families around now. It has become less about the presents or decoration, and it is more about the experiences. (I am not just saying this since I skipped a tree this year…I promise) And believe me when I say that this Christmas will be an experience. I hope that one day I am able to look back on this Christmas as a beginning of something special.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hopefully I will keep you updated on my trip.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

I had to go out of town last week for a work conference. That meant LML had to take care of the dogs.
I get a call that night asking how judge can get out with his fence collar on…I was dumbfounded. My initial reaction was that the fence is broken.
A few minutes later, LML called again saying, “Judge is not escaping through the fence but instead jumping the brick wall.”
I did not want to believe it but lo and behold he jumped one day this weekend with me standing in the carport. It seems he is jealous the taller dogs could see over the wall and he could not.
Yup, the midget dog of our three is the only one jumping a brick wall. I have always said he has a “Napoleon complex,” since he is tends to climb on tables, chairs or anything to give him height. This just goes to prove it once and for all.
The good news is that my dad is going to extended the invisible fence to include the planter. (LML has been frustrated with the dogs and their desire to dig the planter anyways.)
In the meantime, judge is limited in his time in the yard without us.
