Sewing project

Currently, I am taking a class to learn how to make a bishop style dress. My friend J’s sweet little girl is going to be the recipient of the first dress. Her gorgeous red curly hair will look amazing with this pretty light pink material.
This is a the picture of the dress as I blocked it out them sprayed with starch and steamed it. Now I have to finish smocking the design by April 6. I am off the a good start since the back smocking of the first row is complete. Now on the the part that requires concentration.

Baby shower pt II

As I posted on the old blog, I am hosting a baby shower for a dear friend soon. One of the things I am working on is a wreath for the front door and to send home with the momma to be.


I have spent most of my Saturday afternoon cutting strips of fabric and gluing them to styrofoam balls. The above is part of my work and below is the example I am using to guide me.

Unfortunately, I forgot how often I tend to burn myself with a hot glue gun. This was the first of many burns for the afternoon. I am hopefully about half way done, and should finish it Tuesday night.

Besides this, I also need to make the baby sling, polish silver and in an unrelated project mark up some fabric for a class I am taking. It shall be a busy week.
