Dragon boat races

As I have previously mentioned my month of April was busy. One of the reasons is that I have been involved in planning a dragon boat race.
I know you are saying, what is that? Well here is the just of it… Teams of 20 paddlers, 1 drummer and a professional steer person all in one 46 ft boat racing down the river against two other boats.



Considering we had 26 teams racing, that equals 546 team members plus all the spectators. You can imagine the work that went into planning.

I have to say the event was a hit and many people are planning their team for next year already.




The next two weeks are some of the busiest days in my year. The worst part of it is that I did this to myself.

First on Saturday, I am hosting my cousin’s engagement party at my house. That includes cooking the food for a 50 person cocktail party.

If that was not enough, I have an election day that requires long work hours a week from today.

And to top it all off, I am on the planning committee for a HUGE fundraiser Saturday, April 28.

I feel like my life has been consumed and forgive me while I take a break to put out fires.

Baby Shower pt III


Finally I am recapping the baby shower from last weekend. Above is the famous wreath that will never be recreated. It took FOREVER to complete but at least it looks pretty.


My MIL had these flowers and since we do not know the gender of the baby, I thought they went perfectly.


One of the other hostesses cut these pretty flowers from her yard and we put them in this precious baby carriage trimmed with green ribbon.





One of the hostesses made the macaroons and boy were they delicious. As the photos above indicated, we had traditional shower food. I also used my new cheese markers for both pimento cheese sandwiches and a cheese board. They definitely were a favorite find of mine.

DC trip

LML had meetings in DC again and of course I had to tag along. I never like to pass up a trip to DC. This city never ceases to fascinate me.
On our last trip, he saw a flyer for a Segway tour but unfortunately they we
already done for the season since it was turning colder. That was on the top of his priority list to try next trip.
We lucked out that we got into town and he had some free time this trip. We booked a Segway tour with capital Segway . (I want to warn you up front that after all my trips, I have most of the basic facts covered regarding dc, so the tour guide really imparted no new information to me. If you are less familiar to dc it would definitely be on your level. The reason we wanted to go was more to use the Segway and it never bores me to see the sights of dc).
They spend time ensuring that you know how to use the Segway individually in the store before crossing the street to practice. It was quite easy to learn and before long we had confidence. We drove to the white house on the streets going about 10 to 15 mph.


The other highlight of our trip was finally being in DC when the cherry blossoms were in bloom. While the blossoms had peaked a few days prior to our arrival, some trees were still in bloom.

Unfortunately it was a quick trip, so I really don’t have too many interesting tidbits.


I recently celebrated another birthday. It is weird in that this year just felt like just another year. I have always been a HUGE fan of birthdays.
I guess that after you are an adult and responsible for yourself they are not as much fun. It does not hurt that LML does not think they are such a big deal.
Do not get me wrong, I had a good birthday. It is just that they day did not feel any different than any regular day.
I am lucky in that I got some wonderful gifts and such.


My great-aunt gave me this wonderful purse and my husband gave me some earrings that I really wanted.
I am just saying that perhaps I should lower my birthday expectations in the future.