Wednesday Wishes – Blue Edition

I am attempting to implement a more positive attitude in my life.  I am starting with intentional gratitude and preemptively trying to circumvent “down” periods in my week.  While I will say nothing compares to a BAD Monday, yet I find the midweek slump to be unavoidable.  It is not quite the weekend and you have to work to keep that attitude flowing positively. (Or at least I do…)

I find that Wednesday is when I most often find my mind wandering to updating my wish list for travel and shopping.  My shopping list is quite interesting.  I find myself adding anything and everything of interest to it and then cull it down once I have debated the relevance of these items.

I always wish for new shoes.  I honestly need a new pair of navy shoes but I find myself evaluating all shades of blue currently.

I like these blue flats.


I have these in Black already and love it.  I wish this was not a suede so that I could wear it more often.  These would be perfect for a date night.




Classic Kitten Heel Pump

I honestly have these in my amazon list right now to debate purchasing.


These scream fun girls night out to me.   While this D’orsay pump would be perfect for Easter.


This stacked heel pair is fun yet work appropriate.


D’orsay Wedges – Very Comfortable

I have this pair in nude and have to say they so comfortable.  They are the perfect pair to wear on a day when you have to be on your feet all day.

How do you fight the mid week blues?

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