Moving Pains

Moving is just plain awful.  I dread the packing and most fervently the unpacking.  It gets overwhelming.  When you add a move with moving into a fully furnished house complete with 40 years of stuff your family collected, you have a disaster on hand.

Take the kitchen for instance, I PURGED the kitchen heavily prior to our move heavily.  I am talking I gave away pots, pans, plates, cups, etc.  I sorted through the cookbooks and gave away four boxes of cookbooks I would never use.  Fast forward to the unpacking stage, I still have too many cookbooks.  I now have 6 boxes of cookbooks to try to sell at a garage sale.  You add this to the flatware, pots, pans, measuring cups, etc that I also have for a garage sale.

I guess the moral of this story is, if you want something for your kitchen ask me first I might have triplicate.  Unless it is the three rolling pins (1 from my mother’s father, 1 from my dad’s stepmother and 1 handmade french rolling-pin I bought myself) , I will probably be more than glad to spare.

On the positive side, I finally have the kitchen at a not embarrassing level.  I am sure that by this time next year, I will have it organized exactly how I wish.  Like I told a friend, I like to call this slow and steady method “thoughtful decorating.”

“Greene Acres is the place to be…”

Growing up I loved watching Green acres on television.  It was more about the hijinks that occurred on the show than anything else.  In fact, I never imagined that I would be thirty years old and moving back to my rural hometown. I honestly believed that I would be living somewhere in a city with the conveniences that provides.  I definitely would have told you that growing my own food was not going to happen.

Fast forward to today, here I am thirty years old.  I am sitting in my kitchen on a rainy Saturday morning looking out on the woods while drinking my coffee. I may have just searched using the terms “How to start a compost pile.”   I am thinking that this weekend might be the ideal time to start my compost pile.

We are going to be planting a small garden next weekend.  Nothing too fancy for our first year, but we hope to grow some tomatoes, herbs, Thai chili peppers, and probably some squash.  In the spirit of openness, I am not the leader of this plan, because this lady managed to kill a rosemary plant.  But last year, I had a container garden at my apartment that I fully enjoyed.

I have a feeling that this gardening thing will continue…Stay tuned for future reports.