Moving Pains

Moving is just plain awful.  I dread the packing and most fervently the unpacking.  It gets overwhelming.  When you add a move with moving into a fully furnished house complete with 40 years of stuff your family collected, you have a disaster on hand.

Take the kitchen for instance, I PURGED the kitchen heavily prior to our move heavily.  I am talking I gave away pots, pans, plates, cups, etc.  I sorted through the cookbooks and gave away four boxes of cookbooks I would never use.  Fast forward to the unpacking stage, I still have too many cookbooks.  I now have 6 boxes of cookbooks to try to sell at a garage sale.  You add this to the flatware, pots, pans, measuring cups, etc that I also have for a garage sale.

I guess the moral of this story is, if you want something for your kitchen ask me first I might have triplicate.  Unless it is the three rolling pins (1 from my mother’s father, 1 from my dad’s stepmother and 1 handmade french rolling-pin I bought myself) , I will probably be more than glad to spare.

On the positive side, I finally have the kitchen at a not embarrassing level.  I am sure that by this time next year, I will have it organized exactly how I wish.  Like I told a friend, I like to call this slow and steady method “thoughtful decorating.”

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